Thursday, September 22, 2011

Adoptive Breastfeeding

As we were preparing for baby Jayvan, I wrote a couple posts about my journey into relactation.  My hope had been that I would get a full supply and I would have a wonderful breastfeeding relationship with my son.  Only half of my hopes came true, and I am happy with that.  I have experimented with a few different herbs and medication and I've secretly hoped that some new herb will magically boost my supply to be all that my baby needs.  That hasn't happened and I have resolved to be happy with the supply that I have thus far.  I'm currently on a regimen of Domper-M, Shatavari, and Gaia Lactate support.  I'm also eating lots of oatmeal and drinking lots of water.

Anyway- I know some people had wondered what Jayvan's Birthmother thought about me breastfeeding.  I thought I would share a bit about that.  I wasn't quite sure how/if I would bring it up with her.  I didn't want to freak her out, because adoptive breastfeeding does not seem to be a common thing. When we were in the hospital with Jayvan, B (Jayvan's Birthmom), said, "I'm really sad that Jayvan won't be able to be breastfed.  I know that is what is really best for babies." 

That was my perfect opportunity to say, "Well, I have actually done a lot of research and have found a lot of herbs and a medication that can induce lactation, so that I can breastfeed him."  She thought that was really great and any awkwardness that I was concerned about was a complete non-issue.  I started nursing him in the hospital and continued to do so while we were in Virginia (and back home of course).   We were supplementing with bottles and I know that it meant a lot to B that she was able to feed Jayvan as well.  She would also joke that her breasts would tell her when it was time for him to eat.

Jayvan took to the breast much easier than Lexi did, but maybe that is because I had a little practice with Lexi as a baby.  I remember calling the lactation consultant crying, because Lexi took her sweet time getting used to nursing.  In the end though, we had a wonderful breastfeeding relationship and now I'm blessed with another baby to nourish.

We tried using a lact-aid (a supplementer with a tube that you hold or tape to the breast), but Jayvan kept spitting it out and it made breastfeeding much more stressful for us.  We have settled into a groove of breastfeeding first and then supplementing with a bottle.  I am so thankful for the wonderful bond this is giving us and the wonderful nutrition I know he is getting.  I feel so blessed to be able to have this relationship with my son.


  1. Such a gift for both of you! On the opposite end of the spectrum, my little guy (now 12mon) won't latch until the tube is there and in plaace.
